POV: Alice

We arrived in good time to our new home in ........ . I was still in shock that Roland's family had paid for a large piece of land for us. They even had Roland and his brothers build and house and somewhat furnish it. Roland and I both knew how to plant and tend to a garden. We were going to plant a huge garden on our land. Everything we will make from it I will sell at the market.

"Would you like to see the inside of the house?" Roland asked me as we stood on the front piece of our land. I wanted to, badly. I wanted to see how much work I would need to do to it. "Yes, I would love to." I hesitated then continued, "We are running out of day light though. We must start our garden today if we wish to eat." I looked over to the empty land. It was good land that any farmer man would love to own.

Roland nodded his head in agreement. "You are right. I shall begin building the fence for it. Here is 10 pieces of silver. Run to the market and buy what you can for the beginning of our garden." He walked off.

It would be half a day's walk to the market and back. It was 8 a.m. now. I would be back as night was setting if I left now.

So I did. As I walked I thought of how life had changed in a week's time. A week ago, my family was telling me of Roland and how I was to be married to him in two days time. Two days later I married him and moved in with him to his family's house. A day later I received news of my mother being beaten to death at the hand of my father for speaking against him. A day after that Roland's family bought this land, had the house built, and sent us out here. I missed my mother, we were close. I was scared that if I ever spoke up to Roland he would do the same to me. It was how he was raised. It was how all the men in our old town were raised. I refused to let any of my future sons be that way.

POV: Roland

I have a smart woman, I thought to myself. I offered her to take time and view the house that my brothers and myself built, and she refused, wanting to get to work right away. I was proud. I wouldn't say that to her though. It was wrong for a man to compliment a woman. 

I stood back from my work and examined it. It was small, for now. As we grow I will expand it, I thought to myself. I looked up at the sky, my wife should be home soon, the sun was setting.  

POV: Alice
                        As I walked into our yard Roland was walking away from the garden he had just built. From this distance it looked like he was smiling. I knew the smile would get bigger once I told him of how much I was able to buy at the market.

Once we reached each other he asked "Well? Did you spend the money well?" I nodded and handed him two of the ten pieces of silver that I had received. He looked at me confused. "What is this? I asked you to spend the money." He seemed angry. "I was able to get everything we need and more for only 8 pieces of silver." I smiled

This angered him. He pointed a finger at me and shouted "I will have no prostitute in my house! Wife or not" I held my hands up and calmly said "No man has laid a hand on me. I was able to get a good deal because the people at the market are friendly and gave us a first time discount since we are new to town."

Roland stared at me, then said "Well hand over what you bought then go on and check out the house. I will be there soon for dinner." I nodded and handed him the fruits and vegetables and walked towards the house. Roland's outburst scared me. I knew I would have to be careful with what I say to him now.

Taking a deep breath I walked through the doors into my new home. I almost choked on that breath too. The house.... was terrible. It was all one room. The bed, toilet and shower, and 'kitchen area', were all in the same room. There were no decorations. No nothing. Just plain. I sighed, knowing there would be many years of work to go into this home. 

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